Homeland / Homeland
a film by Sara Broos, documentary 14 min
A young woman escapes the war in Syria and ends up in Sweden.
Music is a way for her to survive and brings her back in dreams and memories to her homeland. Memories related to different songs.Specially one song has follow her all her life, a song by the Norwegian popband A-ha. She grew up with their music in Damascus and now when she's in the west suddenly their music has a new meaning and becomes a link between the past and the present. One of her biggest idols is the singer Morten Harket and one day he arrives at her door.
A young woman escapes the war in Syria and ends up in Sweden. The music brings her in the dream back to her homeland. The memories are connected to different songs. One in particular has followed her throughout her life and becomes a link between the old and the new, a song by the Norwegian pop band A-ha.
Director: Sara Broos
Producer: Sara Broos
Starring Raghad Kanawati & Morten Harket
Camera: Sara Svärdsén, Sara Broos, Simon Olsson,
Kristoffer Andrén, Malek Blacktovich.
Editing: Sara Broos
Graphic Design: Greger Ulf Nilson
Sound: Henrik Ohlin / Cloudberry
Subtitles: Marianne Marthy
Post: Pixl Family
Online: Göran Messelt Olson
Grading: Nanna Dalunde
Production Controller Jenny Örnborn
With Support from The Swedish Film Institute /
Cecilia Lidin and SVT / Emelie Persson & Charlotte Gry Madsen
Music: Sirocco, Morten Harket, Peter Kvint, A-ha.
Still Photography Just Loomis.
© Produced by: Broos Film 2015.

Raghad Kanawati and Morten Harket.

Homeland most popular program
on SVT Play in May 2016